Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wiped out

Three days of work and I'm totally wiped out. Thankfully, I slept well last night but unfortunately I woke up early today. I'm eating right (mostly), getting some exercise and changing my habits, but still wiped out. At this point, it's still hard to distinguish what is leftover fatigue from the surgery (it hasn't even been a month) and what is still my illness.

Today after I dropped Megan off at dance class I walked down the shopping center to the whole foods store, did a little shopping, and then walked back to the dance studio. Not overly exhausting, but I was wiped out anyway. Later on we took the kids to my sister's house with plans to go to the zoo near her. I opted to stay at her house and rest while she and Sean took the kids to the zoo. I hate missing things like that with my kids.

From Fatigued to FantasticThe first focus of From Fatigued To Fantastic! is sleep. The doctor's advice is that I (and other Fibromyalgia sufferers) need 8 to 9 solid, uninterrupted hours of sleep every night. For some reason, that doesn't ever seem to happen. No matter how hard I try, something always gets in the way. Either not being able to fall asleep or something wakes me up and then I can't get back to sleep, or like this morning I was accidentally woken up much earlier than I would have liked.

Enzymatic Therapy Revitalizing Sleep Formula, 90 CapsulesI'm using the suggested herbal remedy from the book (Revitalizing Sleep Formula), which does seem to help.  It's a very odd sensation, not like any prescription sleep medication I've tried.  The book explains that it helps you get the deepest sleep, and even mentions that you will have "marathon dreams."  I didn't believe it, but it's true.  It was so weird at first that I stopped taking it after a few days.  The dreams are so strange and vivid, but not disturbing - just different.  I've had issues with taking vitamins too late in the day and they cause me to have extremely vivid dreams that actually wake me up, so I was afraid this was going to be the same.  But I gave it another shot and it's actually working.

So, I'm hopeful.  I'll keep working on my plan and try not to expect overnight miracles.  A miracle every now and then would be nice, but I'll try to understand that baby steps are good, too.

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