Friday, October 1, 2010

Continuing the Journey

Before I get started on today's entry, a quick note on my surgery.  For those who have not been able to find it in the previous posts, I'm having a hysterectomy to resolve "dysfunctional uterine bleeding" (the technical term).

As for today's journey, I'm off to meet yet another doctor.  This appointment is with an orthopedist to review my neck and shoulder pain, as well as some abnormalities found on a CT scan.  The neck pain has been bad for years.  Although it's a distinct issue in and of itself (herniated discs and arthritis), it is also somehow related to the migraines.  All of my migraines include pain in my neck.  So, is the migraine making the neck pain worse or is the neck pain making the migraine worse?  Will solving one help the other?  Many who know me are used to seeing me walk around with my right hand on my neck because of the pain.  I do find it interesting though, that my general, daily neck pain has been significantly less over the last two weeks.  Two weeks with much less stress, not sitting in an uncomfortable chair at a desk.  Hmm...  It's not totally gone, but I'll take what I can get right now!

I did have a good appointment with my PCP yesterday.  She reviewed what I've been doing/trying over the last few weeks and offered me some additional suggestions.  She even promised to research some questions that I had and I look forward to her getting back to me with more information.

This afternoon, Jackson is graduating to a new belt level at Karate.  Since it is his special day, we let him pick dinner.  I thought for sure he'd want to go out to eat like he always does - Red Robin, Applebee's, even the Exton Diner.  Nope.  Tonight he wants to get McDonald's and bring it home.  So much for eating healthy!  I know one indulgence won't kill me, but I'm going to try to be good and not eat the fast food loaded with chemicals.  Hopefully I have some leftovers in the house.

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