Thursday, October 28, 2010

The more things change...

After being out of work since mid-September, going back yesterday just reminded me of why I needed to leave. I went in with a positive attitude, hoping things would be better, more relaxed, a little less stressed. No such luck. I actually lost count of how many times my co-workers and I joked that "nothing's changed." The only changes that I noticed were the amount of dust on my desk (which I will no longer see since it is already covered in papers after one day) and the temperature. It's usually very cold in my office, but I was sweating all day yesterday.

It didn't take long for my boss to show his true colors; ignoring messages that I sent him, interrupting me constantly, and making excuses for all of the stuff that he DIDN'T do while I was out. Not one thing changed about the work that I left him. That's always fun to come back to!

I do need to focus on the positive changes. Not at work, but in my own life. Not only am I eating healthier, my family is following along. Jackson, who is the toughest with food (he's picky like I am, and he has food sensitivities), is showing very positive changes. Yesterday he told me that he actually liked the chicken I made the other night. He said it out of nowhere. And there was another comment about how trying things isn't always so bad. So, he might not love everything that I put on his plate, but he did ask for carrot sticks and hummus for a snack yesterday! Today I offered him a hard boiled egg, sliced, with pepper as part of his lunch and he was thrilled. He even agreed with me that he loves that "healthy snack!"

I'm also proud of the positive changes I have made with my personal products. Getting rid of the chemicals and making smarter choices is making a difference. I love my Tea Tree Tingle shampoo and conditioner (from Trader Joe's), natural makeup, and even using more natural home remedies. Little by little, we're detoxing the house, and teaching the kids to make good choices at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. At least things are positive at home, even if they aren't at work. I felt the same way when I returned (after 4 months)...everything was exactly the same. The girls I work with didn't even bother watering my plants while I was out... :( They all died! I need to start making a few positive changes in my life at home and maybe they will spill over to work. Also, if I start making positive changes around the house now, AJ will never know the difference. He will think mommy always used "natural" cleaning products and bought "organic" food... See, positive side to everything. Hope work isn't stressing you too much! Happy almost birthday!
