Friday, October 8, 2010


So far, so good.  I'm feeling pretty good, but finding that it's easy to over-do it.  As long as I'm resting, there is not much pain.  I can get up and get around little bits at a time.  But the longer I'm up and as the day goes on, more pain kicks in.  This is all to be expected, of course.  It's just hard to remember how much I need to rest when I am feeling ok.  In the scheme of things, I am very thankful.  I know the pain could be much worse.

I am happy to report that I haven't had a migraine since I stopped taking the Vitamin D.  (Hope I didn't just jinx myself!)  I expected to start getting them after the surgery, since I no longer needed to take hormonal birth control pills and I usually get migraines when I stop.  Thankfully, nothing yet.  Keeping my fingers crossed!

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