Thursday, September 30, 2010

Migraines, be gone!

I think I finally figured it out... without jinxing myself, yesterday's migraine was much lighter than usual and so far I don't have one today.  The short story is that I stopped taking Vitamin D.

But of course there's a long story.  Over the last 2 weeks, I've tried eliminating various things to see what was causing the migraines.  They only seemed to be getting worse.  On Monday, it was awful but I thought it was weather related.  There's always a reason, right?!  In the mean time, I thought I had finally found a form of Vitamin D that wasn't causing problems for me.  You see, I have been told that my Vitamin D is low (via blood test) and I need to take a supplement.  Several months ago I started taking D and it made me extremely dizzy and tired.  As usual, it took a few days for me to realize that it was the D causing this.  I actually thought I had a virus (truth be told, I DID have a virus which went away, then the D side effects started so I thought it was STILL the virus).

I explained this to my PCP, who had never heard of this as a side effect.  But from my perspective, there was a definite link.  About 24 hours after my last dose of D, the side effects were gone.  Just to prove it to myself, I tried the same D again and had the same results.  Eventually, I tried D in other forms, and at lower doses, but still had the same effects.  So I gave up.

Now I have a new PCP who suggested that I try a specific brand of D.  I'm up for anything that will help me get healthy, and since I'm not working I don't have to worry as much about the side effects.  Her suggestion was that this particular brand does not have ANY other ingredients in it, and it's possible that I'm reacting to something else in the mixture.  I checked my bottle at home and there were other ingredients that I thought could have been causing the reaction.  Off I went to search for the pure Vitamin D.

I couldn't find the brand suggested by my doctor, but I did find another brand that strictly had only Vitamin D in the bottle.  So I tried it.  One tiny drop at first, slowly building up to a normal dose.  And no side effects.  I was thrilled!  I thought I would finally start to feel better all around.  I could take the Vitamin D and get my level back up to normal.

And then the migraines started.  Since this isn't the same reaction as before, it took longer for me to associate it with the Vitamin D.  I have tried eliminating lots of other vitamins and things over the last 2 weeks, taken more doses of Excedrin and prescription migraine medicine than I'd like to admit, and still no relief.  Then I stopped taking the D.  Migraine gone.  Still raining, but migraine gone.

Well, it's a good thing I have an appointment with my PCP today.  At least I can update her on my latest revelation.  Maybe she'll have another solution for me to try.  Of course, with surgery only a few days away, I'm limited in what I can take for now anyway.  Looks like next week, during recovery, I'll be back to all of the vitamins.


  1. Wow, great blog! I should have kept one while I was pregnant. Sorry to hear that you are having so many issues. I know how you feel. I've had so many health issues for so long. Sometimes I feel like a drug store in the morning with all the medication I have to take. I remember a doctor saying to me "boy you take a lot of medication for a 26 year old"...that made me feel awesome!!! Hopefully the surgery will be the first step in your recovery. Maybe you can teach me how to cook some healthy meals for when AJ is Feel better and keep us all posted! Love you!!! Frannie

  2. Just wanted to say hi and that I'm here following your blog. I'm sorry you've not been feeling well. I'm here for you and if I can help in any way, please let me know!

    Melissa AKA Froggy
