Friday, September 24, 2010

What's with the migraines?

The last week has been one long string of migraines.  They're the same as my typical migraine, but somehow slightly different.  Unfortunately, there are so many things that could be contributing to them that I don't know where to start in getting rid of them.  Could it be a new vitamin that I'm trying?  Or, a sign of my body trying to detox with healthier eating?  If it's a vitamin, will I get used to it or do I need to eliminate it?  I guess this is all part of why I'm home.  I can use trial and error to figure out what works and what doesn't.  In all of my reading so far, it looks like real progress comes after several months.  I'm not really that patient, but I don't have much choice right now.

At least yesterday I made it out to do some food shopping.  I wish there was a Whole Foods closer to me, but the trip was worth it.  Not that I bought anything major, as I was mostly browsing.  I got some ideas though.  Then I came home and made meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner.  Yes, I cooked!  I'm doing my best to get my family away from the processed foods.  And the kids actually ate it (mostly).  For those who know Jackson, you would be as impressed as I was that he ate ALL of his meatloaf.  Some complaints in the beginning, but after completely covering each bite in sour cream, he stopped complaining and ate all of it.  He knew how proud I was of him.  Megan ate some of her meatloaf and some of the potatoes, and then wanted fruit.  I'm not going to deny her fruit.  I'm happy that her favorite foods are mostly healthy.

So now it's time to work on planning tonight's dinner.  Hopefully when this morning's migraine passes, I'll be able to get to the market and pick up some fresh ingredients to make a meal.

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