Sunday, September 19, 2010


The first focus of "the book" is sleep.  The importance of solid sleep, how interrupted sleep affects the body, the role of the hypothalamus in this function, and on and on... I read this section.  I understood this section.  I thought, "no problem, I get plenty of sleep."  I can pretty much sleep any time, anywhere!  Heck, I've been diagnosed with hypersomnia, which is essentially one step below narcolepsy.  Getting sleep is not my problem!

Guess what, the book is smarter than me.  Although a sleep study a few months ago showed that I didn't have any sleep interruptions throughout the night, that's not always the case.  Lately I'm finding that I have fewer nights of uninterrupted sleep.  And the reasons are varied.  Whether it's an internal or external issue, there's always something.  Last night, our neighbors had a band playing until midnight.  Then I had stomach pains that woke me up throughout the night.  Another night, my son woke up at 4AM with a nightmare.  I was never able to fall back to sleep after comforting him.  Even naps don't always happen as planned.

So, as the book suggests, my first focus will be sleep.  Obviously, some interruptions are out of my control, but I will focus some effort on getting the 8 to 9 solid hours of sleep that is suggested.  For someone with Fibromyalgia, the muscles need that restoration every single night, and the benefit doesn't come until there is long term sleep progress.

Yesterday was quite a hectic day, and I was totally wiped out.  I enjoyed the time with family though, and I understand that I have to pick and choose where I expend my energy.  So today is a lazy day.  I'm hoping that tomorrow I have enough energy for an errand or two.  I need to start on filling my refrigerator with some more healthy foods.

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