Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 1

Where do I start?  Always the first question.  For now, I'll start at the beginning for an intro to this blog, but the question still remains as it actually relates to getting healthy.

Over the last few years, my health has been spiralling downward.  I've always known that I wasn't the same as other people when it came to my physical capabilities.  But the question was always "why?"  And without any answers, I continued to push through life as a "normal" person.  I'm married to a wonderful man and have 2 beautiful children.  We try to do all of the typical family things: vacations, sports, visiting family.  But I've always had problems with this normal life.  I would get too exhausted doing things that most people take for granted.  A trip to the zoo with my kids would wipe me out for days.  I can't tolerate the heat, so when we go to the beach I have to expend as little energy as possible while the kids are running around and digging holes.  I get awful migraines, have pain in my neck on a regular basis, feel achy and feverish for no reason, and I've always needed much more sleep than everyone else.  In high school, I was the only kid I knew that would come home and choose to take a nap.  I always had issues with tunnel-vision / blackouts, but it was just part of life as I knew it.

I'm not saying all of this for sympathy.  In fact, sympathy is the last thing I want right now.  I want to get BETTER!  I'm a month away from my 35th birthday, but with my limitations I act more like a 75 year old.  Over the last few years, things have gotten worse.  Recovery from any one event takes longer, new problems have been creeping up, and I have less and less decent days.

All along, I've been bandaiding the problems.  Migraine medicine (which causes its own problems), an extra vacation day to recover after a trip, shortchanging my family by resting on the weekends when I should be out with the kids.  I have a full time job, so it's not like I can rest during the week.

The realization has finally set in.  I need a break.  Keeping up at this pace (working full time, taking care of my kids, and running to doctors appointments) is causing a crash and burn phenomenom.  I can't do it anymore.  I was never Superwoman to begin with, but I sure was trying to play her on TV!

So here I sit on day 1 of my new journey.  I have a wonderful new primary care doctor who understands what I'm going through and is willing to work with me on a plan.  I have arranged for a break from work so I can focus on getting this plan in place and executing it.  Coincidentally, the Jewish Holy Day of Yom Kippur begins at sundown tonight.  A fresh, new start?  Another year inscribed in the Book of Life?  I sure hope so.  Although I really hope G-d understands that I won't be fasting this year... Item #1 on my doctor's list is nutrition.  I need it desperately.  Nutrition and sleep will be my first priorities.

Back to the original question: "Where do I start?"  I'll be diving into the book that Dr. Kuhns recommended.  It's called "From Fatigued to Fantastic" and it's written by a doctor who had Fibromyalgia (one of my many diagnoses).  I've already gotten a few tips from it but I have a lot more reading to do.  Anyone who knows me will understand my Type A personality and my need for information.  I'll be spending time doing research (on the computer, with my feet up!) and cross referencing the suggestions with how they may affect my other problems since Fibro is not my only issue.  I'm going to try to change my eating habits, and hopefully those of the rest of the family.  Sean and I have always agreed on "going green" where possible, so as I am able to, I will detoxify the house as well as the food.

I have about 2 weeks to start this program and hopefully build up some strength.  For full disclosure here, I have a hysterectomy scheduled for October 4th.  One of my many other life-long problems has been heavy, painful menstrual cycles.  I won't give too many details so no one gets scared away.  Suffice it to say that I've done everything possible to eliminate this problem, and I'm now at the last resort.  The way I see it, this is one problem that I can get rid of so I can focus on the rest of my health.  Everything has a domino effect and I think this is one domino that can be removed.  With all of the blood loss, I am consistently anemic (tired, sore muscles, etc.).  Because I'm anemic I have to take iron pills.  Iron pills cause upset to an already tempermental GI system.  Said tempermental GI system is not absorbing proper nutrition, therefore I am not healthy.  So, it's easy... stop the bleeding and feel all better!

Ok, I know it won't be that easy, but this is definitely one step I need to take.  In no way am I seeing this as a loss of any part of my womanhood (at least not right now).  To me, it's always been a negative thing and I am ready to be rid of the negativity.  As I said before, I have 2 beautiful children.  I am thankful that my uterus did its job and protected each of them for 9 months.  But that stage of my life is over and I need to focus on raising these kids.  Uterus - you're fired!

Today is a new day.  No stress from work.  Focus on me.  Eat right.  Start planning.  But, first get rid of this migraine!  Oy vey...

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