Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I'll admit, I have no patience.  Shouldn't progress happen overnight?  The migraines continue on a daily basis, for no reason that I can determine.  And that keeps me from doing the things that I want and need to be doing... reading, research, cleaning up my house, and even sleeping!  I am thankful for my break from work though, because otherwise I'd be trying to push through a whole day of work with these migraines.  I already know that that gets me nowhere.

At least yesterday, though feeling crappy with a migraine and neck pain, I was able to pick up last minute and get out to an appointment with my rheumatologist.  I didn't have to stress over rearranging work meetings or making up the time.  I took my time, gathered my thoughts before going, and had a good conversation with the doctor.

For today, I'll start my to-do list (or roll over what didn't get done on yesterday's list) and pick a thing or two to work on.  Baby steps.  Maybe I'll get to the whole foods market.  Maybe I'll only get to Target for some things that we need.  I'll take it as it comes.

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