Monday, November 15, 2010


I went to Physical Therapy this morning and, among other things, I let the therapist tape my back.  We've done this before and I know the benefit, but I definitely need to ease into it.  She puts an "X" of tape across my shoulders to my mid-back while my shoulder blades are pinched together.  This holds my shoulder blades in the proper position, while giving my "cranky" upper traps a chance to relax in this position.

I knew it wouldn't last long.  She taped me around 9:15 this morning, and by 12:45 I was almost in tears.  I came home to rip the tape off (another ouch!) but it still hurts.  I'm now icing my upper back.  I wasn't planning to take a lunch break today since I was late to work, but I had no choice.

An update since my last entry... I knew with how achy I was on Wednesday that something wasn't right.  I ended up leaving work a little early and coming home to sleep.  The achiness continued on Thursday so I had to take a sick day.  I napped off and on during the day and thankfully was feeling better by Friday.  The aches were gone but I was still drained.  Even today, from all of the running around this morning, I'm drained.  I'm doing everything I can to be healthier.  When will it all kick in?!

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