Saturday, November 20, 2010

Every day is something new

One of my more minor issues is tinnitus.  For most people, it's just an occasional annoyance.  I've had ringing in both ears for as long as I can remember.  It was never a big deal, until about a year ago.  The ringing in my left ear got a lot worse and became constant.  That ear always feels full and occasionally it hurts.  I've had my ears checked numerous times and there never appears to be a problem.  In fact, doctors usually tell me that it's clear even when it feels full to me.

In the last few months, the left ear has gotten even worse.  The pain comes more often and I can hear the ringing even in my loud office.  In September, I went to my ENT for another reason (abnormalities on an MRI and CT scan - the scans were done for my neck problems but they found other stuff) and mentioned the tinnitus.  He checked my hearing, which was near perfect (to my children's dismay) and didn't see anything else wrong.  So he prescribed a steroid in case there was inflammation and told me to try some Ginkgo Biloba.  He asked me to come back 6 weeks later.

6 weeks went by with absolutely no change in the ringing.  At the next appointment he asked some questions about dizziness and vertigo, and watched me walk.  I've always had dizziness upon standing (low blood pressure) but sometimes it's hard to separate that from true dizziness.  He checked my hearing again, which still hadn't changed, and then suggested I come back for 2 tests.  I've actually had these tests done before, probably about 13 years ago, and the results were normal.

Yesterday I went in for the tests.  They are the VNG and AVR (I think).  I don't know what those stand for, but they are some odd tests!  For the first one, I wore special infrared goggles which measured how my eyes moved as I watched a dot move around on an electronic board.  They also forced cool and warm air into my ears, which makes you dizzy, and measured my eyes' reaction to that.  The 2nd test was even more strange.  They put earphones IN my ears and electrodes on my forehead and earlobes.  The earphones just played a series of clicks while the electrodes measured the response of my brain.

The doctor called me with the results within a few hours of completing the tests.  Both tests were abnormal in the left ear.  One of them could indicate an inner ear or a central problem, but the other one more specifically points to a central problem.  So, he now wants me to go for another MRI (this time with contrast) and also some bloodwork.  He said he likes to check for Lyme Disease since that could cause ear problems, even though I've been tested twice for it before and it came back negative both times.

Of course, I always have to self-diagnose.  I do lots of research on the internet to figure out what is going on with me and what options I have.  Since it was already late on Friday afternoon, I wasn't going to call to schedule the MRI until Monday.  But I had to look up the diagnosis code on the paperwork.  I HAD to.  I shouldn't have.  The diagnosis code indicates some kind of non-cancerous tumor behind the ear that presses on nerves and causes problems like tinnitus (check), headaches (check), dizziness (check), and fatigue (check).  Small tumors typically aren't a problem, but as they grow, symptoms get worse.  I immediately picked up the phone and called to schedule the MRI.  Considering my last MRI showed other abnormalities, this scared me.

With Thanksgiving next week, I have to wait until the following week to have the MRI.  Figures.  In the mean time, I will call the doctor back on Monday and see if he wants to look at my last MRI and CT scan one more time to see if those will help him figure out what is going on.  When I took them to him last time, we were focused on another hemangioma on my neck so I don't think he looked at anything else.  He's the doctor who removed the hemangioma from my neck 2 years ago, and this new one seems to be in a similar place.

Fun stuff!

For now, I'm going to go enjoy a much needed night out.  Sean and I are going to see our friends' band tonight.  I think I could use a few drinks, even if they come with a migraine.

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