Sunday, November 28, 2010

A long weekend

I thought a 4 day weekend would give me time to rest, but that doesn't seem to be the case.  I may have rested some but not enough to get ahead of the game.

My office closed early on Wednesday, which is nice.  So I used the time to run errands and make dinner.  Thursday we spent a lot of time cleaning up the house and then went to Thanksgiving dinner at my cousin's house.  Friday was more cleaning, then babysitting my adorable nephew for a bit, then physical therapy (which left me with bruises, but that's another story!).  Saturday was more of the same, except Megan ended up with a stomach virus.  Thankfully that was short lived, but we chose to stay home today instead of running her ragged and exposing others to the germs.  So far today I spent most of the morning cleaning out the fish tank.  And now my back is paying for it.

Tomorrow starts the whole process over again.  Back to work, then running out for an MRI at lunch, then back to work.  I also have PT 2 days next week plus a follow up with my orthopedist.  Too much running around!  I honestly don't know how my body is supposed to handle this.

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