Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Not a great day

I'm thankful that I don't have a migraine yet today (the day is still young though, right?), but it sucks to feel like crap and still have to get up and go.  For some reason, I had a lot of trouble waking up this morning when my alarm went off.  I was really tired and dragging.  Not a great start to the day.

At 9:00, I had a meeting at work and the conference room was really warm.  The temperature in my office is so crazy.  It's either freezing (with cold air blowing on my neck as I sit at my desk) or extremely hot, and the temperature varies as you move throughout the office.  The warm conference room was making me feel uncomfortable, and even somewhat lightheaded.  When I went back to my desk, I was still hot (even though I'm usually cold sitting there) and just felt all over yucky.  Not to mention that the fatigue I had in the morning was still with me.

So I came home at lunch to put my feet up and relax for a bit.  A nap right about now would be great, but I doubt I'd be able to get up and go back to work.  In addition to all of this, my neck and shoulder muscles hurt from physical therapy yesterday.  My regular pain is still there, but as the therapist was trying to work out the tight muscles, she was really digging in.  I'm used to this because it's the only way to get my muscles to relax (not that it totally works).  But the problem is that I'm always sore the next day.  It literally feels like my muscles are bruised.  It hurts to touch them, but of course I do touch them because they still hurt from being tight.  A no-win situation.

Well, only a few more minutes to relax before I have to go back to the office.  Boo!

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