Thursday, September 30, 2010

Migraines, be gone!

I think I finally figured it out... without jinxing myself, yesterday's migraine was much lighter than usual and so far I don't have one today.  The short story is that I stopped taking Vitamin D.

But of course there's a long story.  Over the last 2 weeks, I've tried eliminating various things to see what was causing the migraines.  They only seemed to be getting worse.  On Monday, it was awful but I thought it was weather related.  There's always a reason, right?!  In the mean time, I thought I had finally found a form of Vitamin D that wasn't causing problems for me.  You see, I have been told that my Vitamin D is low (via blood test) and I need to take a supplement.  Several months ago I started taking D and it made me extremely dizzy and tired.  As usual, it took a few days for me to realize that it was the D causing this.  I actually thought I had a virus (truth be told, I DID have a virus which went away, then the D side effects started so I thought it was STILL the virus).

I explained this to my PCP, who had never heard of this as a side effect.  But from my perspective, there was a definite link.  About 24 hours after my last dose of D, the side effects were gone.  Just to prove it to myself, I tried the same D again and had the same results.  Eventually, I tried D in other forms, and at lower doses, but still had the same effects.  So I gave up.

Now I have a new PCP who suggested that I try a specific brand of D.  I'm up for anything that will help me get healthy, and since I'm not working I don't have to worry as much about the side effects.  Her suggestion was that this particular brand does not have ANY other ingredients in it, and it's possible that I'm reacting to something else in the mixture.  I checked my bottle at home and there were other ingredients that I thought could have been causing the reaction.  Off I went to search for the pure Vitamin D.

I couldn't find the brand suggested by my doctor, but I did find another brand that strictly had only Vitamin D in the bottle.  So I tried it.  One tiny drop at first, slowly building up to a normal dose.  And no side effects.  I was thrilled!  I thought I would finally start to feel better all around.  I could take the Vitamin D and get my level back up to normal.

And then the migraines started.  Since this isn't the same reaction as before, it took longer for me to associate it with the Vitamin D.  I have tried eliminating lots of other vitamins and things over the last 2 weeks, taken more doses of Excedrin and prescription migraine medicine than I'd like to admit, and still no relief.  Then I stopped taking the D.  Migraine gone.  Still raining, but migraine gone.

Well, it's a good thing I have an appointment with my PCP today.  At least I can update her on my latest revelation.  Maybe she'll have another solution for me to try.  Of course, with surgery only a few days away, I'm limited in what I can take for now anyway.  Looks like next week, during recovery, I'll be back to all of the vitamins.

Friday, September 24, 2010

What's with the migraines?

The last week has been one long string of migraines.  They're the same as my typical migraine, but somehow slightly different.  Unfortunately, there are so many things that could be contributing to them that I don't know where to start in getting rid of them.  Could it be a new vitamin that I'm trying?  Or, a sign of my body trying to detox with healthier eating?  If it's a vitamin, will I get used to it or do I need to eliminate it?  I guess this is all part of why I'm home.  I can use trial and error to figure out what works and what doesn't.  In all of my reading so far, it looks like real progress comes after several months.  I'm not really that patient, but I don't have much choice right now.

At least yesterday I made it out to do some food shopping.  I wish there was a Whole Foods closer to me, but the trip was worth it.  Not that I bought anything major, as I was mostly browsing.  I got some ideas though.  Then I came home and made meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner.  Yes, I cooked!  I'm doing my best to get my family away from the processed foods.  And the kids actually ate it (mostly).  For those who know Jackson, you would be as impressed as I was that he ate ALL of his meatloaf.  Some complaints in the beginning, but after completely covering each bite in sour cream, he stopped complaining and ate all of it.  He knew how proud I was of him.  Megan ate some of her meatloaf and some of the potatoes, and then wanted fruit.  I'm not going to deny her fruit.  I'm happy that her favorite foods are mostly healthy.

So now it's time to work on planning tonight's dinner.  Hopefully when this morning's migraine passes, I'll be able to get to the market and pick up some fresh ingredients to make a meal.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I'll admit, I have no patience.  Shouldn't progress happen overnight?  The migraines continue on a daily basis, for no reason that I can determine.  And that keeps me from doing the things that I want and need to be doing... reading, research, cleaning up my house, and even sleeping!  I am thankful for my break from work though, because otherwise I'd be trying to push through a whole day of work with these migraines.  I already know that that gets me nowhere.

At least yesterday, though feeling crappy with a migraine and neck pain, I was able to pick up last minute and get out to an appointment with my rheumatologist.  I didn't have to stress over rearranging work meetings or making up the time.  I took my time, gathered my thoughts before going, and had a good conversation with the doctor.

For today, I'll start my to-do list (or roll over what didn't get done on yesterday's list) and pick a thing or two to work on.  Baby steps.  Maybe I'll get to the whole foods market.  Maybe I'll only get to Target for some things that we need.  I'll take it as it comes.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


The first focus of "the book" is sleep.  The importance of solid sleep, how interrupted sleep affects the body, the role of the hypothalamus in this function, and on and on... I read this section.  I understood this section.  I thought, "no problem, I get plenty of sleep."  I can pretty much sleep any time, anywhere!  Heck, I've been diagnosed with hypersomnia, which is essentially one step below narcolepsy.  Getting sleep is not my problem!

Guess what, the book is smarter than me.  Although a sleep study a few months ago showed that I didn't have any sleep interruptions throughout the night, that's not always the case.  Lately I'm finding that I have fewer nights of uninterrupted sleep.  And the reasons are varied.  Whether it's an internal or external issue, there's always something.  Last night, our neighbors had a band playing until midnight.  Then I had stomach pains that woke me up throughout the night.  Another night, my son woke up at 4AM with a nightmare.  I was never able to fall back to sleep after comforting him.  Even naps don't always happen as planned.

So, as the book suggests, my first focus will be sleep.  Obviously, some interruptions are out of my control, but I will focus some effort on getting the 8 to 9 solid hours of sleep that is suggested.  For someone with Fibromyalgia, the muscles need that restoration every single night, and the benefit doesn't come until there is long term sleep progress.

Yesterday was quite a hectic day, and I was totally wiped out.  I enjoyed the time with family though, and I understand that I have to pick and choose where I expend my energy.  So today is a lazy day.  I'm hoping that tomorrow I have enough energy for an errand or two.  I need to start on filling my refrigerator with some more healthy foods.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 1 Confession

Yes, I'm going to use this blog to be honest.  I need mental improvement as well as physical improvement.  It's after noon already and I'm too tense to feel like I'm making any kind of difference.  I know that nothing will happen overnight, but I had hoped to at least be able to feel relaxed today.  The migraine is going away but my thoughts are all over the place.  I have a new cold sore, which is usually caused by stress or lack of sleep, so I know I need to rest.  I've done some reading and research, but now I need a nap and a shower.  Not sure which order yet though.

Day 1

Where do I start?  Always the first question.  For now, I'll start at the beginning for an intro to this blog, but the question still remains as it actually relates to getting healthy.

Over the last few years, my health has been spiralling downward.  I've always known that I wasn't the same as other people when it came to my physical capabilities.  But the question was always "why?"  And without any answers, I continued to push through life as a "normal" person.  I'm married to a wonderful man and have 2 beautiful children.  We try to do all of the typical family things: vacations, sports, visiting family.  But I've always had problems with this normal life.  I would get too exhausted doing things that most people take for granted.  A trip to the zoo with my kids would wipe me out for days.  I can't tolerate the heat, so when we go to the beach I have to expend as little energy as possible while the kids are running around and digging holes.  I get awful migraines, have pain in my neck on a regular basis, feel achy and feverish for no reason, and I've always needed much more sleep than everyone else.  In high school, I was the only kid I knew that would come home and choose to take a nap.  I always had issues with tunnel-vision / blackouts, but it was just part of life as I knew it.

I'm not saying all of this for sympathy.  In fact, sympathy is the last thing I want right now.  I want to get BETTER!  I'm a month away from my 35th birthday, but with my limitations I act more like a 75 year old.  Over the last few years, things have gotten worse.  Recovery from any one event takes longer, new problems have been creeping up, and I have less and less decent days.

All along, I've been bandaiding the problems.  Migraine medicine (which causes its own problems), an extra vacation day to recover after a trip, shortchanging my family by resting on the weekends when I should be out with the kids.  I have a full time job, so it's not like I can rest during the week.

The realization has finally set in.  I need a break.  Keeping up at this pace (working full time, taking care of my kids, and running to doctors appointments) is causing a crash and burn phenomenom.  I can't do it anymore.  I was never Superwoman to begin with, but I sure was trying to play her on TV!

So here I sit on day 1 of my new journey.  I have a wonderful new primary care doctor who understands what I'm going through and is willing to work with me on a plan.  I have arranged for a break from work so I can focus on getting this plan in place and executing it.  Coincidentally, the Jewish Holy Day of Yom Kippur begins at sundown tonight.  A fresh, new start?  Another year inscribed in the Book of Life?  I sure hope so.  Although I really hope G-d understands that I won't be fasting this year... Item #1 on my doctor's list is nutrition.  I need it desperately.  Nutrition and sleep will be my first priorities.

Back to the original question: "Where do I start?"  I'll be diving into the book that Dr. Kuhns recommended.  It's called "From Fatigued to Fantastic" and it's written by a doctor who had Fibromyalgia (one of my many diagnoses).  I've already gotten a few tips from it but I have a lot more reading to do.  Anyone who knows me will understand my Type A personality and my need for information.  I'll be spending time doing research (on the computer, with my feet up!) and cross referencing the suggestions with how they may affect my other problems since Fibro is not my only issue.  I'm going to try to change my eating habits, and hopefully those of the rest of the family.  Sean and I have always agreed on "going green" where possible, so as I am able to, I will detoxify the house as well as the food.

I have about 2 weeks to start this program and hopefully build up some strength.  For full disclosure here, I have a hysterectomy scheduled for October 4th.  One of my many other life-long problems has been heavy, painful menstrual cycles.  I won't give too many details so no one gets scared away.  Suffice it to say that I've done everything possible to eliminate this problem, and I'm now at the last resort.  The way I see it, this is one problem that I can get rid of so I can focus on the rest of my health.  Everything has a domino effect and I think this is one domino that can be removed.  With all of the blood loss, I am consistently anemic (tired, sore muscles, etc.).  Because I'm anemic I have to take iron pills.  Iron pills cause upset to an already tempermental GI system.  Said tempermental GI system is not absorbing proper nutrition, therefore I am not healthy.  So, it's easy... stop the bleeding and feel all better!

Ok, I know it won't be that easy, but this is definitely one step I need to take.  In no way am I seeing this as a loss of any part of my womanhood (at least not right now).  To me, it's always been a negative thing and I am ready to be rid of the negativity.  As I said before, I have 2 beautiful children.  I am thankful that my uterus did its job and protected each of them for 9 months.  But that stage of my life is over and I need to focus on raising these kids.  Uterus - you're fired!

Today is a new day.  No stress from work.  Focus on me.  Eat right.  Start planning.  But, first get rid of this migraine!  Oy vey...