Sunday, April 3, 2011

Guess I'll skip the wine

It's not like I'm a heavy drinker, but I do enjoy an occasional glass of wine, or certain kinds of beer.  For the past year I've been getting raging migraines any time I've had any kind of alcohol.  It seems that was my body's way of telling me there was something more going on.  I couldn't process the alcohol correctly, most likely because my body was busy fighting everything else.  Alcohol was just one more poison thrown into the mix.

On Thursday, Dr. Braccia started me on a new medication that is supposed to attack the Lyme spirochetes that the other antibiotics can't get to.  The PA, Heidi, warned me not to touch "even a drop" of alcohol while on this medication.  The reason, she explained, is that this medication (Tindamax) will make you violently sick to your stomach when mixed with alcohol.  Apparently this is the medication that is given to alcoholics to completely turn them off from alcohol!

Clearly, it's not like I will be missing much.  I think it's the thought of not being able to even try it that pretty much sucks.  I know I'll survive, and I have much bigger issues to deal with.  I'm counting down to the neck surgery in just over a week.

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