Sunday, April 10, 2011

48 hours...

Not that I'm counting... but surgery for my neck is Tuesday morning.  I know there are risks, but the pain can't get much worse than it has been lately.  Tomorrow I meet with the surgeon to go over my MRI and discuss the surgery.  I'll get my arrival time some time on Monday night.  Tuesday morning, I arrive whenever they tell me to.  It will be about 1.5 hours pre-op, 1 to 1.5 hours surgery, then 1 to 1.5 hours recovery.  The anesthesiologist promised to give me the "good stuff" for nausea since I always get nauseous.  Assuming all goes as planned, I'll be home in the afternoon and encouraged to take 2, 10 minute walks in the evening.  Although I'm nervous, I'm also excited.

As for everything else, I am thankful to have taken my last Tindamax pill (for now) this morning.  It seems that Tindamax is very effective.  It supposedly attacks the cyst form of the bacteria.  When attacked by the other antibiotics, some of the bacteria react by forming cysts around themselves for protection.  These cysts don't get killed off because they are essentially hidden.  The Tindamax is able to attack them though.  10 days of this medication has produced migraines, higher fevers and lots of general pain.  Hopefully, I'll stop feeling so crappy soon.

But I still have another 20 days to look forward to at the end of treatment.  Whatever it takes.  At least I have a break for now.

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