Wednesday, March 30, 2011

So much going on

The last week or so has been crazy.  The ringing in my ears has hit an all-time extreme.  I can be driving on the highway with the music blasting, and I still hear it.  The fever continues, as does pain in my neck and exhaustion.  I had an appointment with the Lyme specialist last week, and he assured me (again) that this is all good signs.  The medication is working, and it's very common to get worse before you get better.  Right now, my left ear actually hurts.

Through all of this, I actually find it refreshing to go to treatment every day.  There is something to be said for the "support group" of other patients who have similar stories, similar symptoms, and who totally "get it."  We share food tips and information on the best supplements to take.  We commiserate about how little sleep we've gotten or how much sleep we need.  Today, as I was grabbing the right side of my neck in pain, another patient noticed and loaned me her "deep relief essential oil" for pain relief.  I was kind of amazed that within 10 minutes the pain on the right side had subsided.  Needless to say, I stopped at the store on my way home and picked up a few essential oils to use on the left side of my neck.  (Clove and peppermint, in case anyone wanted to know.)

The one thing that Lyme treatment isn't going to fix is the problem in my neck.  3 bulging disks and 2 fractured vertebrae are going to cause pain no matter what.  The good news is that I've been cleared by all of my doctors to have the neck surgery at the Laser Spine Institute.  It's my understanding that the reason LSI has such a good track record is because they are selective about their patients.  They only accept people who they know they can help.  So I'm actually happy that they've determined I'm a candidate for a procedure.  In less than 2 weeks I'll be having the procedure.  The bad news is that in preparation for surgery, I can't take any pain medication.  Hopefully, in 2 weeks that will be an issue of the past.

For now, I'll keep chugging along.

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