Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The house smells like homemade meatballs

Yes, I made meatballs, and the house smells wonderful!  I've been trying to cook more and more.  At least being able to work from home for now allows me to have some real meals.  Last week I made a quiche, and I've also made homemade soup and mashed red skin potatoes.  I'm even learning lots of cooking tips and ways to make healthy meals simple.

Since there's not much more to report on my treatments, I'm trying to focus on eating healthy and taking good care of myself.  The fevers are still constant and I still have a fair amount of lightheadedness.  My next appointment with the doctor is on Thursday so I will talk to him about my symptoms then.  I'm wondering if the ringing in my ears will EVER go away!

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