Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A family affair

The whole family came with me to treatment today.  It was mostly a timing issue, because Jackson and I had to be there at 7:45 this morning for his appointment.  It was easier for us all to go, and I wanted to have Sean with me to hear whatever the doctor had to say about Jackson's tick bite.

The good news is that we caught and removed the tick before it had been attached long enough to cause Lyme disease.  According to the specialist, a tick needs to be attached for about 24 hours in order to transmit Lyme.  The infection comes from the tick's saliva, which isn't produced and injected into the host until after the tick has ingested the host's blood.  The saliva is produced from a reaction of the blood in the stomach.  Also, since we brought the tick with us, the doc was able to confirm that Sean did a good job at removing it.  He got the whole thing, including the mouth barb which is the part that hooks on and makes it difficult to remove.  Doc also let us know that it was a rather large, female, pregnant deer tick.  He could see 2 eggs.  Good - 3 less deer ticks in the world now!

What we don't know is if the tick was even carrying Lyme, or if it did have enough time to inject any "co-infections."  Lyme frequently is transmitted along with some other similar diseases.  Unfortunately, the tick does NOT need to be attached for as long to transmit these other infections.  As a side note, I tested positive for a co-infection called mycoplasma pneumoniae.  But the treatment is no different so it really makes no difference for me.  In Jackson's case, the doctor gave us an antibiotic just to be safe - 10 days of amoxicillan.  If we notice any symptoms, the doctor will extend the prescription.

I think the kids enjoyed being at the treatment center with me.  They got to sit in the big recliners and hang out.  Megan found a babydoll in the kids room to sit with and then cuddled up with it under a blanket.  They also got to have egg sandwiches from Dunkin Donuts for breakfast.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A week of migraines, and other stuff

Just when I thought things were going well, the migraines struck.  Today is day 7.  I've been waking up with them first thing in the morning, but thankfully they eventually go away with either Excedrin or my prescription meds.  If I still had a uterus, I would have known right away that it was "that time of the month."  Now, my only signal is a week or more of migraines!

This week was also full of fevers.  I keep reminding myself that it's a good sign, that my body is fighting off the infection.  I just would like it to end soon.  It's hard to function when you constantly feel feverish.  On the bright side, the lightheadedness continues to get better.  It's still there, but I continue to notice a difference.  When it hits now, I realize that it's been a while since I last felt it.  I'm exhausted right now, but I think that's a combination of the fevers and migraines, rather than the usual total exhaustion.

Unfortunately, Jackson found a tick on his shoulder yesterday.  In the midst of everything I'm going through, this was one of the scariest sights I've ever seen.  He was playing outside in the woods yesterday at a friend's house, and had been home for about 2 hours before he noticed it.  I have no idea how long it was on him since I don't know what time they were outside.  The only thing I do know is that it was definitely attached.  Sean removed it and I saved it in a container to show to my doctor.  The area was red last night, but I think that was more from removing the tick than anything else.  Right now it is less red than last night, but it's still red.  I am really hoping that it was not attached for long enough to cause a problem, and that it wasn't carrying Lyme.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Nurse Debbie

What a difference a nurse can make!  Once a week I have blood drawn and the dressing changed on the PICC.  Today was the day for the fun.  Debbie drew my blood when I got to the treatment center this morning.  No big deal, considering it's done through the PICC so I don't feel a thing.  We were chatting while she was taking the blood, and I told her that the area had started itching over the weekend.  I also mentioned that it still felt bruised, although it was tolerable.

Toward the end of my treatment, Debbie started to do my dressing change.  I told her how much it had hurt last week when the other nurse took the tape off.  Thankfully, she used alcohol swabs to help ease the tape off.  She also grumbled when she saw how much tape the other nurse had used.  As she was taking everything off, we realized why it had been hurting so much all week.  There was a scab around the end of the PICC that was not only stuck to me, but was also stuck to the gauze.  Every time I moved, it was pulling my skin instead of moving freely.

Debbie cleaned everything off and made sure that there was no more bleeding.  She used much less tape, and a hypo-allergenic tape window so hopefully I won't have any itching this time.  I swear, the pain was nearly gone once she got it all back together properly.  I told her that she's doing my dressing changes from now on.  : )

In other news, my fever is back today.  Although I've regained some of my energy, this is all still very draining especially since I'm trying to fit a full time job in at the same time.  And, even though the snow hasn't finished melting yet, it looks like allergy season has begun!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Dare I say it?

I feel slightly more human.  There, I said it.  The lightheadedness has gotten MUCH better.  My neck pain is better, too.  Not gone, but better.  I'll take every little improvement I can get.  I am still exhausted, but I think I'm functioning better than before considering I have stopped taking the medication that was supposed to be helping with the fatigue.  In fact, I've stopped taking several medications.  No more Fibromyalgia meds... they weren't doing anything anyway.  I don't remember the last time I needed migraine meds (hope I didn't just jinx myself!).  My fever is also lower the last 2 days.  I was running pretty consistently around 99.5, and now I'm back to about 98.6.  That's still high for me, but better.

That said, my stomach is a bit of a mess from all of the antibiotics but that is to be expected.  I've only had 4 treatments so I still have much more to go.  Considering I'm already seeing improvement, I'm happy with how things are going.  The drive to the treatment center is a bit much but right now it's worth it.  Anything to get my life back!

The PICC is still annoying but that beats being stuck every day.  It mostly hurts right around where it goes into my arm.  It feels bruised.  The nurses keep assuring me that it will get better, and I believe them because it's a little better each day.  I take ibuprofen when it gets bad (usually around bedtime) and put heat on it during the day.

Progress, finally!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

One down, 55 to go!

I'm supposed to have a total of 56 treatments, unless my blood tests show that I am "cured" sooner.  Technically, it's 2 months of treatment, but given that it's only Monday through Friday, it makes the total time closer to 3 months.  3 days a week I take an additional oral antibiotic, and on the weekends I take ANOTHER oral antibiotic.  Goodness!

Treatment #1 was today.  First, the nurse drew blood.  It's kind of nice having the PICC because they can take blood right from there without having to stick me again.  Then I sat in a comfy recliner for an hour while the IV dripped.  I had my laptop and was able to work the whole time.  After my treatment, the nurse changed the dressing on the PICC.  Thankfully this will only occur once a week because that was the worst part!  Ripping off all that tape, then swabbing (or, stinging) with alcohol, and finally rubbing the area that is bruised with betadine.  Not much fun but I lived through it.  The nurse was actually laughing at me, saying he had never seen anyone react to tape removal like I did.  It HURT!

As for the PICC, well it almost made me pass out last night.  My arm was feeling ok, so when I went to change into my pajamas I thought I would show Sean what it looks like (still covered with tape, but I knew he'd want to see).  I had just taken the mesh covering off and was moving my arm around a bit when I started to feel cold and clammy.  I could feel the blood draining from my head so I quickly went to lay down.  Thankfully, that passed but my arm was hurting when I went to sleep.  I took some ibuprofen and propped my arm up on an extra pillow to avoid leaning *that vein* on anything.  I guess the ibuprofen worked because I woke up with less pain.  It still feels bruised today, but the nurses said that as it heals it will feel better.  Call me crazy, but I feel like I can tell exactly where it is in my body.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Here we go...

Since my last update, I had an appointment with the 2nd specialist and didn't like him.  So, I set the plan in place to treat with the initial doctor.  Today I had a PICC inserted, and tomorrow I'll go back for my first treatment.  Having the PICC put in wasn't a huge deal, although it was (and still is) a bit uncomfortable.  I'm sure I'll get used to it.  The idea of a catheter that goes through your arm and into your chest is kind of odd but once you get passed that it's no big deal.

Off to rest now.  I'm a bit exhausted from a busy weekend.  At least I was surrounded by family and friends, which kept my mind off of any possible anxiety.  I'll deal with my pink living room another day.  It basically turned pink when Megan opened up all of her birthday presents yesterday!