Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Paging Dr. House...

In the words of some good friends of mine, I need someone like Dr. House to review my entire medical history and figure out what is wrong with me.  I received more inconclusive results last night.  But from my research, they do give a little more direction.  I sent them to my primary doctor to review, but I have a feeling another specialist is on the horizon.  We'll see.

I'm just tired of bandaiding all of the symptoms.  I want to solve the problem.  The latest, in addition to still being completely run down, is a pinched nerve in my neck that is causing constant pain in my upper back, and pain when I turn my head or move my arms.  This is a set-back for PT because the therapist wants me to focus on strengthening and stability, but told me NOT to do any exercises while I have pain from this.  So, now I have to take more anti-inflammatory meds and hope this gets better quickly.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, Dr. House might be able to help...lol! Sometimes I feel like that too, that I need someone to review my ENTIRE medical history to figure out what the problem is. I hate just putting a band-aid on stuff. I never feel 100% either. :( Hope that your pinched nerve heals soon so you can go back to PT. Sounds like that was helping. Hope that your primary has some good suggestions. Maybe I can take the kids for a day sometime soon to give you time to rest.
