Thursday, December 16, 2010


I had another facet injection today.  Well, technically I guess it would be considered 2 injections, since the doctor did both sides of my neck at C-5/C-6.  I had this appointment scheduled before the pinched nerve happened earlier this week, so it was good timing.  Unfortunately, this time around the injections were more painful than last time.  Maybe because it was both sides - I'm not really sure.

Even with the numbing medication, I could feel some pain when he was through.  And from past experience, I know I will be in a world of hurt once the numbing medication wears off (it's starting to already).  This is totally expected, although last time it wasn't too bad since it was confined to one side.  But I also know from experience that this will provide a lot of relief soon.  It usually takes 3-4 days for the injection to really start to work, but once it does I will hopefully be able to take advantage of some pain-free time and go back to my strengthening exercises.

For now, I'll ice and rest and think about the relief that is on its way.

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