Monday, October 17, 2011

It's almost 1 AM

I should be sleeping. This is one side effect so to speak that I can't get used to. I don't know what it's a side effect of, but it has only been happening in the last year. As tired as I am, when something wakes me up, I can't fall back to sleep. Sometimes it is hours before I can get back to sleep. So far tonight I've been up since 11:45, after going to sleep at 10:00. I had an exhausting day and fell asleep very quickly. I'm still exhausted so I don't know why I haven't been able to go back to sleep. Sometimes I just need to get out of bed for a little while and then try again. Then I end up falling asleep right before my alarm goes off. And then I'm a wreck at work.

Speaking of being a wreck, this week is going to be rather stressful. After all of the recent rain, we've had a lot of flooding in our basement. And mold. Who knows how long the mold has been there, or if it's been contributing to any of my health problems. So I'm anxious to have the basement fixed and the mold removed. But that comes at a price (my sanity). We have to have everything moved away from 2 whole walls of the basement (that's half of the entire basement). Everything has to be moved 8 feet out from the wall. All furniture, carpets, everything! When your basement is partially used for storage and the other part for living in, it's no easy task to find space to move everything TO. I spent the day today going through toys, trying to get rid of stuff, moving things around, and I feel like I got nowhere. Sure, there are several boxes and bags of stuff in the garage to be donated, and some trash, but there is still so much to do and I'm really stresses about it.

On top of that, Jackson's birthday party is on Saturday. So i have errands to run to prepare for that. Then family will be coming over after the party. Thankfully, I know they understand the situation and will forgive me for not having a spotless house. In fact, a few of them are even staying to help move furniture on Sunday in preparation for the french drain installation on Monday.

And of course, I have a job to go to all week.

Side note, I had no idea how many DVDs we had accumulated throughout the years. I filled 2 boxes while emptying the entertainment center, and that doesn't even include the kids' movies which are stored somewhere else!

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