Sunday, May 22, 2011

How do I get so lucky?

It seems like I am the only one with such bad luck. I finished my Lyme meds on a Friday, and thought I'd be feeling better by the end of the weekend. Instead, by Sunday night I had fluid in my ear and an ear infection. I felt awful on Monday. Earned myself another antibiotic and a steroid. It took a good week for my ear to stop hurting. The same ear, of course, that has been giving me trouble for the last few years.

Two weeks later, and I still feel the effects. My one month follow-up with the Lyme specialist is this week. I had really hoped to be feeling somewhat better by now. I'm still exhausted. I took a nap almost every day in the last two weeks. The only bright spot right now is that I've seen additional improvement in my neck. I actually noticed at the end of a rather long and trying day last week that I didn't have my expected neck pain. Not even the rotator cuff pain that was going down my arm - unrelated (so I thought) to the surgery. I'll take it!

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