Sunday, May 22, 2011

How do I get so lucky?

It seems like I am the only one with such bad luck. I finished my Lyme meds on a Friday, and thought I'd be feeling better by the end of the weekend. Instead, by Sunday night I had fluid in my ear and an ear infection. I felt awful on Monday. Earned myself another antibiotic and a steroid. It took a good week for my ear to stop hurting. The same ear, of course, that has been giving me trouble for the last few years.

Two weeks later, and I still feel the effects. My one month follow-up with the Lyme specialist is this week. I had really hoped to be feeling somewhat better by now. I'm still exhausted. I took a nap almost every day in the last two weeks. The only bright spot right now is that I've seen additional improvement in my neck. I actually noticed at the end of a rather long and trying day last week that I didn't have my expected neck pain. Not even the rotator cuff pain that was going down my arm - unrelated (so I thought) to the surgery. I'll take it!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Please disembark the ride

I just took my last pill for Lyme treatment.  The last week and a half, since I had the PICC removed, has been quite the rollercoaster ride.  Fevers have been up and down, migraines, exhaustion... all the fun.  You would think that after the IV was done I would start to feel better.  But, the doctor wanted me to take the oral Tindamax for 10 more days.  The Tindamax is a killer.  Now it's over.  The warning label says not to drink alcohol for 3 days after finishing the medication, so I'm hoping that within 3 days this will be out of my system and I'll start to feel human.  Maybe in time for Mother's Day?  That would be nice.

The last few days have been rather surprising though.  People I know who have had Lyme have started coming out of the woodwork.  It's amazing that so many people have had it yet there is so little known about it in the medical community.  Just today I was at my dentist and found out that one of the assistants "had" Lyme.  She's been treated and told that she was cured, but she said she still feels like she's having relapses.  She asked for the name of my specialist, because she said she now needs a doctor who really understands the disease.

On a related note, I got my own copy of the documentary Under Our Skin.  It's a fantastic movie about how our healthcare system is failing Lyme patients.

Anyway, a little bit of energy would be nice.  Maybe a day where I don't hit a wall at noon and need a nap before I fall over.  Or a day without a migraine.  A girl can dream.